Wednesday, 18 July 2012

A lot of #FiveMinuteFun

On Saturday I took part in something amazing. 

Five Minute Theatre is a genius idea thought up by a team of people at the National Theatre of Scotland. The tag line - created by anyone for an audience of everyone - could not sum this event up more. 

I witnessed 56 five minute shows, from a range of people, in a range of countries. Some pre recorded, some live in Glasgow, even live shows streamed from a shopping centre in Fife!! It really did feel like the possibilities were limitless. 

Being in the NTS head quarters for the day, I got a first hand look as to just how much work goes into a project like this and the office was buzzing with nervous excitement, which was really awesome to be around. Myself and fellow Champion George were asked along to help out with the live chat that would be going on throughout the day.  This in itself was a great experience for me, but I got  a lot more than I bargained for. 

The theme of this particular round of Five Minute Theatre was 'Youth'. I watched people of all ages and backgrounds interpret this theme and what was produced was a selection of relatable, hilarious and thought-provoking pieces from an online community coming together.  

If you missed the live stream on Saturday, or if you just want to watch again you can do so here . 

For now I will leave you with a few of my favourites from the day. 

1 comment:

fiona edmiston said...

Wow that's an incredible amount of shows you watched! I just watched one of your favourites 'every cloud'. I really enjoyed it, it was different and slightly depressing to think that our lives can pretty much all be summed up like that! Another great blog from Shiv! xx