Sunday, 16 February 2014

Rent Recap & MIA

I've been MIA from the blogging and theatre world in general for a while now, and to be honest I've really enjoyed the break. 

I think there's a thin line between being passionate about something and being consumed with it. For a long time I feel I was the latter, it was getting to the point that if it wasn't a show, then I wasn't interested which was causing me to miss out on a lot of awesome things. 

The whole point of this long winded opening is that last night, my love for theatre was reignited with an impromptu trip to see Rent in concert. So impromptu in fact that I hadn't actually decided I was going until 3 hours before. 
With very little thought we jump into the car to start the 5 hour round trip to Aberdeen- and I'm so glad I did. 

I have already seen Rent when it was in Glasgow (see review here) and I really enjoyed it, but this time was even better than the first. The cast seemed so at home on that stage, and the standard of talent was really phenomenal. Rory Taylor is still so on point playing Roger, he has such a unique sound and he had me from the first note of 'One Song Glory'. And just like last time Ian Stroughair absolutely stole the show with his astounding yet humbling take on Angel. He brought the laughs, the tears and everything in between. 

The second the show ended I felt motivated and inspired to get back into seeing more shows and in turn reviewing more which is such a testament to the cast and creatives. I look forward to seeing what 2014 brings for me and for this blog. Thanks for baring with me. 

Siobhan x

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